About Us
Private Offices and Office Suites to suit your business.
The Link Business Centre
The Link is a privately owned, family run Business Centre, founded in 2012.
We have 10,000 sq. ft, of office space laid out over 3 floors in a bright modern building, located just 2 minutes from Junction 10 on the M50.
Our members range from small to large businesses, with office spaces ranging from one person offices to larger office suites.
We pride ourselves on looking after each member’s requirements, whilst understanding that every company in The Link is unique.

Excellent Work Environment
We are continually investing in The Link to ensure our facilities have the latest technology, furniture, office partitioning and design.
Your choice of office space can have a huge impact on the wellbeing of your staff and we know that your success has a direct effect on ours. If you’re happy, then we are too.
Our Members
Some of the Members of the Link Business Centre

Facilities at The Link

Office Suite
Private own door office suites are fully furnished ready for you to move into.

Canteen Facilities
Modern canteen facilities, fully stocked with complementary tea, coffee & milk.

Conference Room
Fully equipped Boardroom for your meetings. Rent by the day or half day.